TOP PICK is SKPETRO (OP; TP: RM4.72). The expectation of M&A activities and contract flows should lend strength to valuations and thus, we maintain our Outperform call on: DIALOG (OP; TP: RM3.28); ALAM (OP; TP: RM1.91); DAYANG (OP; TP:RM6.06); COASTAL (OP; TP: RM2.90); PERISAI (OP; TP: RM1.76); YINSON (OP; TP: RM5.58); UZMA (OP; TP: RM3.64) PERDANA (OP; TP: RM2.04); GASMSIA (OP; TP: RM3.39); PANTECH (OP; TP: RM1.18); PCHEM (OP; TP: RM6.97); SEB (OP; TP: RM0.78). We are Neutral to UP on prospects of PETGAS (MP; TP: RM20.31), MHB (UP; TP: RM3.39); and WASEONG (UP; TP: RM1.73).