Derivatives are financial instruments used to manage one's exposure to today's volatile markets. A derivative product's value depends upon and is derived from an underlying instrument, such as commodity prices, interest rates, indices, and share prices.
Derivative instruments can be traded in an organised exchange or over-the-counter (OTC). Futures and options are essentially elementary derivative products mostly traded on exchanges. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell the underlying instrument at a specific time in the future for a specific price determined today.
An option however, provides the holder/buyer the right, but not the obligation, to purchase or sell a certain quantity of the underlying instrument at a stipulated price within a specific time period by paying a premium.
The following 9 products are currently traded on the Exchange:
KLCI (FKLI) Futures
KLCI (OKLI) Options
3 Mth Month Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rate interest rate (FKB3) Futures
Crude Palm Oil (FCPO) Futures
3-Year Malaysian Government Securities (FMG3) Futures
5-Year Malaysian Government Securities (FMG5) Futures
10-Year Malaysian Government Securities (FMGA) Futures
Crude Palm Kernel Oil (FPKO) Futures
Single Stock Futures (SSFs)
Ethylene OTC Futures Contract
(Source : Bursa Malaysia website)