To trade online, you will need to open a trading
account and a CDS account with us. You are required to sign the forms
before a Dealer Representative or Customer Representative, as witness to
your signature is necessary when opening an account for the first
must be at least 18 years of age and must not be an undischarged
bankrupt. A trading limit will be assigned to all approved accounts,
subject to our prevailing credit policy. Depending on the type of
account opened, you may be required to furnish a minimum initial deposit
or produce the proof of income. The actions required are as stated
below :
- Open a Trading Account - downloads form
- Open a CDS Account -
- MCD (Malaysian Central Depository) Application of Account Opening Form
- Specimen Signature Cards (two copies)
1. Three (3) legible copies of your I/C (front and back portion on same page of A4 size paper)
2. One (1) of the following supporting documents for Individual Account Application
3. RM10 for opening the CDS account with MCD
Note : For foreign citizens, please produce three (3) legible copies of
your passport and kindly note that you are required to comply with the
foreign exchange rules and regulation stipulated by Bank Negara Malaysia
If you are residing overseas,
you will have to send your application form (duly completed and
signed), together with the required supporting documents verified by a
Notary Public.
Thereafter, please call or email me for further action.